Healthy Living

A nurse holds an IV bag

Benefits of Hydration IVs

There are a number of reasons why someone may be dehydrated. They may have pushed it too hard in a recent training session, they may be recovering from a number of illnesses, they may have had too much to eat and drink leading to their system feeling a little off, or they may have gotten behind on drinking their glasses of water each day and are starting to feel a little worse for the wear. Some of the most common symptoms of dehydration are extreme thirst, fatigue, dizziness, and frequent urination. Our team at Integrity Urgent Care can help you if you are feeling dehydrated because of illness and treat the issue causing your fatigue, but what about the extra help of hydration IVs?

a person receives a flu shot

When You Should Get a Flu Shot

​​​​​​​While a good portion of the news is focusing in on COVID Vaccines, there is another vaccine our team at Integrity Urgent Care wants to put on your mind as well. The flu shot is important for a number of reasons. There are a few factors that go into determining the best time to get yours.

Closer up of a doctor's lapel which features a breast cancer ribbon

Detecting Early Signs of Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and our team at Integrity Urgent Care knows that many in each of our communities have been impacted by breast cancer, either themselves, a family member, or friend. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, the risk of a woman developing breast cancer in the United States is 13%, making it common for it to impact us in some way. Detecting early signs of breast cancer is vital for treatment and best outcomes.

a woman looks at a positive pregnancy test

When to Take a Pregnancy Test

We all know the Hollywood signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Basically, if a female between the age of 15 and 50 throws up or feels nauseous, then they are pregnant. Real life is a bit different though and you may be wondering if you need to take an at home pregnancy test or not. Integrity Urgent Care has a few recommendations for when to take one and when to come see our medical team.

a doctor comforts a patient

Mental and Physical Health Go Hand in Hand

Our bodies are more linked than we often realize. Instead of looking at different parts of our health separately, the team at Integrity Urgent Care wants to treat our patients, community, and friends in their entirety. By considering the connections between mental health and physical health, we can do a better job at identifying problems and working at solving them, together.

Two women have a discussion while sitting.

Coping Skills for Your Mental Health

Caring for yourself is more than eating right, exercising, and coming to see the team of medical staff at Integrity Urgent Care. Caring for yourself can also mean taking care of your metal health, in a variety of settings and in response to different kinds of stress. By learning coping skills that work for you, because everyone will cope differently, you will be a better version of yourself in any scenario.

A sad woman looks out a window

How to Be Alone and Not Lonely

It seems a little different, to consider loneliness in a world that finds a way to be more connected every day. Even working through the pandemic families and friends found ways to spend time together remotely, outside, and in other creative ways. Despite the ways we can be with those we love and care about, it is still very common for people to feel lonely in a variety of situations. Integrity Urgent Care wants you to know that there are ways you can help yourself, when feeling this way.

coffee is poured from a pot into a cup

Is Caffeine Good For Me?

Whether we know it or not, many of us hold onto a vice that isn’t always the best for our health, including your team at Integrity Urgent Care. Individuals may choose to consume moderate amounts of alcohol and recognize the effects on their health, the same with larger portions or junk food. However, caffeine can be another part of your diet that needs to be regulated and monitored as you consume each day. Is monitoring your intake a sign that it is bad for your health though?

a student walks into a classroom building

A Guide to Healthcare for Students

Going to college, whether in your hometown or far away, is a time of learning for most students. This learning isn’t just held within the walls of the classroom or limited to the academic courses picked. Just as much learning has to do with navigating steps into the real world and healthcare is part of that. Integrity Urgent Care can help students with a great deal of their healthcare needs.