
A man inspects a boy's back

First Aid Handbook: Cellulitis

We may not always admit it, but we are always examining our skin for the occasional bump, scrape, or rash that may appear. As our largest and most visible organ, our skin does a lot and takes on a lot to keep the rest of our body safe. As we examine, squeeze, and pick, we may notice issues that are more unusual, like cellulitis. If you aren’t sure what cellulitis is or how to best treat it, the team at Integrity Urgent Care can help.

A person scratches their reddened hand

First Aid Handbook: Skin Infection

Infections, unfortunately, come in all shapes, sizes, and in parts of the body. While the skin’s function is to protect your body from infections, it can sometimes become infected itself. Skin infections can be some of the most common and are usually very visible for all to see. Our Integrity Urgent Care team sees skin infections on patients on a regular basis and can help treat you.

A woman sits and coughs on her couch

First Aid Handbook: Bronchitis

Our team at Integrity Urgent Care wants our communities to feel equipped with a good understanding of common ailments, injuries, and concerns so when they are feeling under the weather, they can begin to think about how to begin caring for themselves and when to come see us. This is especially true in cases of patients who have developed bronchitis and need our care.

a child is doubled over in pain

UTIs in Children: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

As painful as a urinary tract infection can be for an adult, imagine having to feel that discomfort as a child or to be a parent working to figure out why their child is in pain or showing symptoms of sickness. Many of you have probably been in that situation, seeing as 8% of girls and 2% of boys experience at least one UTI, according to Yale Medicine.

A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria from outside the body enters the bladder or urethra and causes irritation or infection. It is more common in girls than boys due to differences in their anatomy. Many of the characteristics of UTIs are similar in adults.

a woman has stomach pain

UTIs in Adults: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

One of the most common infections faced by adults across the country is probably less talked about than it should be. Urinary Tract Infections, or UTIs, are prevalent, accounting for 8.1 million visits to healthcare providers each year, according to This infection, fortunately, is easy to diagnose, with a urinalysis, which means Integrity Urgent Care can help provide you with relief and care, right away.

A woman is doubled over in pain

Everything You Want to Know About Yeast Infections

Integrity Urgent Care is concerned about taking care of patients and all of their needs. While talking about sexual health and issues may sometimes feel taboo or uncomfortable, it is important to have a good understanding of all aspects of your health and to be able to speak with your medical care providers about any concerns you may have. A yeast infection can be a discomfort to anyone who has one and there are ways you can seek relief.