
a woman is doubled over in stomach pain

First Aid Handbook: Stomach Flu

Once you realize you are sick, how do you know the difference between food poisoning or if it is a symptom of a larger issue? While the stomach flu isn’t actually a flu, Integrity Urgent Care can offer a little information as a source of comfort while you deal with a stomach bug that has hit your home.

coffee is poured from a pot into a cup

Is Caffeine Good For Me?

Whether we know it or not, many of us hold onto a vice that isn’t always the best for our health, including your team at Integrity Urgent Care. Individuals may choose to consume moderate amounts of alcohol and recognize the effects on their health, the same with larger portions or junk food. However, caffeine can be another part of your diet that needs to be regulated and monitored as you consume each day. Is monitoring your intake a sign that it is bad for your health though?

Teenagers eat apples and carrots

Healthy Snacks for Hungry Teens

Kids, hunger, and snacking are words that seem to get grouped together a lot. You almost can’t plan an event for teens without thinking about some sort of snack, or several, to keep them going. That being said, how do you plan for snacking for your hungry teen, while keeping an eye on their overall health? Integrity Urgent Care has a few ideas to keep those bellies full.

an assortment of heart healthy food

Lower Cholesterol with these Foods

A nutritional and health term that is frequently thrown around a lot is cholesterol, but our medical teams at Integrity Urgent Care hear a lot of questions and have to clarify a lot of confusion surrounding the term. Essentially, while there is good cholesterol that your body needs, many of us have an excess of bad cholesterol. This bad cholesterol can lead to many issues, including clogging arteries and decreasing heart function as well as damaging your liver. Fortunately, if you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, or if you simply want to head off an issue before it arises, there are ways you can lower your cholesterol with your diet.

A mother and daughter make Christmas treats

Healthy Christmas Treats

There are so many reasons to enjoy this time of year, sparkling lights, wonderful music and movies, and extra time with loved ones are just a few. With much of what we do in the weeks leading up to Christmas, and even the weeks after, there are a fair amount of treats and eating involved. It feels easy to overload at this time of year, but with a few tips in place, you can find a balance between a healthy lifestyle and celebration.