College Station

A woman does yoga with her daughter

Indoor Activities to Get Your Kids Moving

Thoughts of summer include lots of outdoor fun like pool parties, playing in the sprinklers, baseball and soccer games, and nature hikes. But there are days when it is just too HOT to be outside, especially for little ones. Overheating can happen very quickly on these extremely hot days we’ve had recently. So, what are some ways to get kids – and adults – moving inside, rather than just plopping down in front of the TV?

A logo reads: summer health contest

Health Contest Breakdown

For many people it seems like the middle of summer – but there’s plenty of time left to give your health and fitness level a kick! The competition is open to anyone in the Bryan/College Station community who is ready and willing to improve their level of health. You do NOT need to be an existing client of Integrity Urgent Care. 

Kids ride on their parent's shoulders in a forest

Health Benefits of Summer

If you’ve spent any time outside this month, you don’t need a calendar to tell you, “It’s summer!” With school out, longer daylight hours, and vacations to plan, nearly everyone looks forward to the summer months. In terms of health, how do the positives stack up against the negatives?

a family on the beach raises their hands in excitement

Come Home From Your Vacation Healthy

Do you ever feel like you need a vacation from your vacation? It doesn’t matter how restful your time may be, trips can be exhausting. And after using a week of vacation days, who has time to tack on a couple of sick days? Yet, traveling often causes us to get sick. As you plan your summer trips, learn how you and your family can stay well while you travel.

an open book about the flu

What You Need to Know as Flu Season Continues

This year’s flu season is one of the worst in recent memory. Federal officials reported last week that this season has already caused the most hospitalizations in nearly a decade. During the week of February 10th, an additional 22 children’s deaths from the flu were reported, bringing the total to at least 84 nationwide. However, the week of February 10th was also the first week of the season in which the number of people seeking care for flu symptoms did not increase, potentially indicating that this harsh flu season may be levelling off. However, it’s far from over. Here’s what you need to know as flu season continues.

A woman disinfects her countertop

Disinfecting the Home After a Sick Family Member

Has someone in your family recently had the flu or another illness? After he or she recovers, it’s important to disinfect your home. Flu viruses can live outside the body for 24 hours according to the CDC (although some sources say longer). Stomach viruses are especially resilient – some can live on hard surfaces for up to two weeks! Follow our 12-step plan to keep those germs from spreading to others.