Acid Reflux

An old woman clutches her throat

First Aid Handbook: Acid Reflux

We have all had it, whether we recognized it for what it is or not. When it does happen the first time, you may have felt like it was a bigger deal than it turned out to be, that’s how much discomfort you may have. Integrity Urgent Care has some tips and solutions for the next time you get a bout of acid reflux and maybe a few ideas for how to prevent it in the first place.

a cartoon man has a flaming hole in his stomach

Tackling Holiday Heartburn

What is heartburn? Heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. It results in a burning sensation in your upper belly, below your breastbone, or in your throat. It often follows the occurrence of acid reflux, which occurs when stomach acid moves up into the esophagus.