
Closer up of a doctor's lapel which features a breast cancer ribbon

Detecting Early Signs of Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and our team at Integrity Urgent Care knows that many in each of our communities have been impacted by breast cancer, either themselves, a family member, or friend. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, the risk of a woman developing breast cancer in the United States is 13%, making it common for it to impact us in some way. Detecting early signs of breast cancer is vital for treatment and best outcomes.

a woman looks at a positive pregnancy test

When to Take a Pregnancy Test

We all know the Hollywood signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Basically, if a female between the age of 15 and 50 throws up or feels nauseous, then they are pregnant. Real life is a bit different though and you may be wondering if you need to take an at home pregnancy test or not. Integrity Urgent Care has a few recommendations for when to take one and when to come see our medical team.

coffee is poured from a pot into a cup

Is Caffeine Good For Me?

Whether we know it or not, many of us hold onto a vice that isn’t always the best for our health, including your team at Integrity Urgent Care. Individuals may choose to consume moderate amounts of alcohol and recognize the effects on their health, the same with larger portions or junk food. However, caffeine can be another part of your diet that needs to be regulated and monitored as you consume each day. Is monitoring your intake a sign that it is bad for your health though?

a student walks into a classroom building

A Guide to Healthcare for Students

Going to college, whether in your hometown or far away, is a time of learning for most students. This learning isn’t just held within the walls of the classroom or limited to the academic courses picked. Just as much learning has to do with navigating steps into the real world and healthcare is part of that. Integrity Urgent Care can help students with a great deal of their healthcare needs.

Teenagers eat apples and carrots

Healthy Snacks for Hungry Teens

Kids, hunger, and snacking are words that seem to get grouped together a lot. You almost can’t plan an event for teens without thinking about some sort of snack, or several, to keep them going. That being said, how do you plan for snacking for your hungry teen, while keeping an eye on their overall health? Integrity Urgent Care has a few ideas to keep those bellies full.

a man is donating blood

How Donating Blood Helps

In tragedies, both large scale and ones that hit closer to home, it’s not uncommon for people to ask what they can do. One of the many responses we tell people at Integrity Urgent Care, is that in many circumstances, donating blood is a way to help. With blood donation month upon us, it’s a great time to donate again or for the first time and to learn more about the process.

2021 spelled with fruit

8 Healthy Resolutions for 2021

Every year our family and friends are looking for a new start, but that seems especially true in 2021. While the new year has already come, it´s never too late to consider new habits and routines to make you and your family healthier and happier. Integrity Urgent Care knows each little step will help move you in the right direction.

A doctor checks a child's blood sugar level

Diabetes in Children

Diabetes feels like a fairly common condition in our population, due to a number of factors. Diabetes in children however, seems less discussed and less understood. While less than 1% of the population in the United States has diabetes, the number of youths with this condition is growing at a drastic rate, making it something that needs to be part of the conversation in families, medical offices, and educational settings.

a family eats thanksgiving dinner

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

While the holiday season is stretching earlier and earlier into October and, for some, September, there is no denying that we are solidly entrenched in the bulk of holiday time. With the visits, shopping, and celebrating that takes place from now to the New Year, eating and drinking can be an extra element to make the time special. The holiday season also sees a marked potential for weight gain. With a plan and a few reminders, you can tackle holiday season and stay healthy, while enjoying your time.