a doctor holds a covid test

Why and When to be Tested for COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2 also known as COVID-19 may be one of the most common conversation points in recent memory. The information has been evolving and changing so rapidly, it is difficult to keep well informed on the topic. This has been challenging to the general public as well as to the healthcare community. The spread of this novel virus has been rapid, particularly in the heavily populated urban centers. However, at present there are few communities that have not had at least a few cases of COVID-19 identified. As a provider at Integrity Urgent Care, I want to address the question of why to be tested and its importance to not only each individual, but also your community.

a man is tested for covid from his car

Is it Safe to Come to Integrity Urgent Care?

Kyle is out of insulin for his insulin pump. He is scared to go to a medical facility for fear of being exposed to the Coronavirus. Ella has had painful urination for the past week, and now has back pain and nausea. She is concerned she has a urinary tract infection, but she too is nervous to go to the doctor’s office. These are common scenarios during this time of pandemic fears. Is it safe to go to the urgent care center? This is an important question. The answer is complex.

a doctor tests a vial for covid

Our Current Response to Covid-19 (Updated April 22nd)

Our doctors, nurses, and staff entered the medical field to help people, both those in our community and any others who reach our clinic doors. The care that we provide looks different for everyone, and we are always adapting to meet the needs of those we serve. As our communities navigate COVID-19, we continue to be ready to treat our patients and to provide accurate and up-to-date information about this virus.​